yEnglish pagez
‚e‚`‚p œIs any belonging necessary?@ There is not the particularly necessary thing. I prepare paper panties for the person of the course of the oil massage. To a Thai traditional massage, the reflexology massage, the change prepares to. Even one's clothes are all right. œMy body is hard, will you have a pain in it?@ I massage the favorite strength. I lead mind and body to be relaxed. œI do it of physiology, but am all right? It's no problem.@But there can be the thing that lower blood volumes increase so that the blood circulation improves. œIt is a pregnant woman, but is the massage taken? I am sorry, but decline it basically I think and decline the security of an important child in this salon. But I can understand that hard for stiffness in the shoulders, lumbago, swelling becoming pregnant. Only when you understand by the soft massage and do not push the reproduction-related point Let me talk about reflexology or the massage of the shoulder. I want to hear several a week pregnancy and talk I can do it. œIn the case of cancellation, does the cancellation fee occur? I do not have the cancellation fee, but am fortunate when I have you contact in the case of the cancellation hope early. œCan I pay by credit card? I am sorry, but assume it only cash. |